Friday Question

What was is your dream job and what did you end up doing?

My dream job is wild life biologist with specializing in wolves. Since life didn’t go as planned, I did an apprenticeship to become a florist but ended up being a book merchandiser. Since I love to read, that job is perfect 🙂 I’m not working right now, but that’s the job I want to go back to.


Was war euer Traumberuf und was habt ihr letztendlich getan?

Mein Traumberuf ist Wildbiologe, spezialisiert auf Wölfe. Aber nachdem mein Leben nicht wie geplant gelaufen ist, hab ich eine Aubildung zur Floristin gemacht, aber jetzt bin ich Buchhändler. Da ich gerne lese, ist das der perfekte Beruf 🙂 Im Moment arbeite ich zwar nicht, aber ich möchte wieder in dem Beruf arbeiten.

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4 Responses to Friday Question

  1. Tessa says:

    I wanted to be an oceanographer. One problem or maybe two…I am afraid to scuba dive and go under the water. Did a lot of jobs and hated them all.


  2. magickmogwai says:

    My sister did a master’s in wildlife conservation and management but works for by now at a highly paid position. Seems there’s not many jobs in wildlife unfortunately. My dream job is the job I did have – working with children


  3. sexyachymoody says:

    I was going to go to school for wildlife conservation but it didn’t work out that way. I’ve gone back to school for my teaching degree but I’d still love to start my own animal sanctuary.


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